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doc icon DUGiDocs 7 octubre 2011 Development of chemical separation processes for the treatment and monitoring of metallic cations and oxoanions in polluted waters Güell Martí, Raquel
out url icon Recercat Development of chemical separation processes for the treatment and monitoring of metallic cations and oxoanions in polluted waters Güell Martí, Raquel
out url icon Recercat Electroactive polymers for the detection of morphine Cordova-Mateo, Esther ; Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Teixeira-Dias, Bruno ; Bertran, Oscar ; Estrany, Francesc ; Valle, Luis J. del ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Alemán, Carlos
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Electroactive polymers for the detection of morphine Cordova-Mateo, Esther ; Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Teixeira-Dias, Bruno ; Bertran, Oscar ; Estrany, Francesc ; Valle, Luis J. del ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Alemán, Carlos

